Monday, April 18, 2011

This week I considered ideas for my level. In level design, I created a puzzle that was very kismet intensive. This time I'll be making a level that is very navigation intensive. The whole point of this is going to be that you have to find a hamster who stole your food. So you're not only going to have to navigate a maze but you'll also have to find a way to open the passage to the maze up.

I have a map of the maze that you'll be navigating in the hamster cage but I'm also considering going even bigger and creating a whole room for the hamster cage to be in. I want to take you outside of the hamster cage and have to run around the room after the theif hamster. I like the idea of running around a room from a different perspective. Seeing a hamster's view of everything would be interesting and whilst the whole point behind running around this room would to be to find the other hamster I think it would be a visually enjoyable part of the level.

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